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Resident High School Scholarships

High school student from Idaho

For our high school students from Idaho:

The Go Idaho! Scholarship Program recognizes our new, first-year undergraduate students, who are residents of Idaho, with a guaranteed minimum level of scholarship funding. 根据你的FAFSA的结果,可能会有额外的需求基金, which we encourage you to complete annually.

  • 被录取并符合以下标准的学生保证获得以下资助水平 from a variety of U of I scholarships.
  • Scholarships may come from donor-based sources, departmental awards, and/or institutional funding sources.
  • 这个最低资助水平保证长达四年,如果学生保持一个 minimum cumulative 2.5 U of I GPA.
Funding Level
High School GPA
Minimum Annual Award
Vandal Pride Award 3.9 - 4.0 $7,500 (Starting 2024-25)
Vandal Summit Award 3.75 - 3.899 $5,000 (Starting 2024-25)
Vandal Excellence Award 3.4 - 3.749 $4,000 (Starting 2024-25)
Vandal Merit Award 3.0 - 3.399 $1,000

Homeschool students 会根据ACT和SAT的最高分数来考虑吗.

Non-accredited Idaho High School gpa(如果提供给本科招生)将被考虑为Go Idaho奖励级别. 如果你是爱达荷州的居民,上的是一所未经认证的州外高中, 你的奖励将基于你的标准化考试成绩.

学生奖励通知通常在12月底或1月初发送, via paper award letters and email notifications.

*注意:学生获得的一些部门奖学金可能会自动申请到他们的Go Idaho! 项目奖学金,可以取代“学术成就”奖. 如果你在接受“学术成就奖”后申请了院系奖学金, 部门拨款可取代最初的资助,并履行院校承诺的最低资助金额.

365滚球官网是美国各地有抱负的领导者的首选.S. In fact, 我们在西北地区的学校中处于领先地位,招收的国家优秀365滚球官网人数超过了爱达荷州所有院校的总和.

爱达荷州国家优秀365滚球官网计划保证提供奖学金,涵盖大学规定的基本学杂费的教育费用, 为所有宣布365滚球官网为第一选择的国家优秀奖入围者提供四年的住宿和膳食.

How do I qualify for the National Merit Scholarship?

  • 通过PSAT和SAT成绩在高中三年级获得国家优秀奖学金公司的决赛资格. 
  • 作为高中或家庭学校直接入学的一年级学生入学.
  • 向财政援助办公室提交一份你的国家优秀入围者信的副本.
  • 宣布365滚球官网为第一选择学校 National Merit Scholarship Corporation by their deadline of May 31.

What is the Value of the National Merit Scholarship?

如果你住在密歇根大学的学生宿舍,这个奖学金包括基本的注册费/学费和大学规定的住宿费. 费用/学费由爱达荷州教育委员会在每年的晚春确定. 该奖项在2024-25学年的价值为爱达荷州居民20,588美元. 对于非居民,还包括全额非居民学费减免(价值19,236美元). That's over $82,000 in cash scholarships, 还有非居民的全额学费减免, over four years. 最好的消息是,奖学金项目的价值随着成本的增加而增加.


奖学金的费用部分只包括基本的注册费和学费. 您将负责支付任何特殊课程和实验费用. 奖学金的目的是支持你在秋季和春季学期, only; winter intersession and summer term enrollment is not required and therefore we cannot promise additional funding for these optional experiences at this time.

住宿和餐费是根据生活学习社区(llc)的双人间的大学定义成本计算的, also home to Honors Living),以及为普通本科生提供的全面膳食计划. Students may choose to live in any university-managed housing; however, depending on the actual cost for housing and meals, a student may end up owing a small amount out of pocket.

尽可能多地利用外部奖学金资源!  It pays to search and apply. 你带来的任何额外资源都可以帮助支付伊利诺伊大学提供的优质教育.

尽管你会自动被考虑申请任何符合条件的大学奖学金, 我们强烈建议您考虑其他资金来源. 和你的大学学术顾问谈谈,和你的家庭雇主核实一下, credit unions, 去教堂和其他社区组织看看他们是否提供奖学金. 你甚至可以联系你的学院院系,看看你有资格获得哪些院系奖学金. You may also find some of the following links helpful. 

Looking for Outside Scholarships?  Use ScholarshipUniverse!

ScholarshipUniverse makes it easier to find scholarships outside the U of I. 通过回答几个简单的问题,你可能会被匹配到各种潜在的奖学金. ScholarshipUniverse仪表板还提供了一种快速方便的方式来跟上即将到来的申请截止日期. 

Idaho State Sources

Military Sources

The United States Air Force, Army, 海军为参加后备军官训练队项目的学生提供一系列政府奖学金. For more information and details, contact U of I’s Military and Veteran Services Office. 

Student Financial Aid Services

Physical Address:

Bruce M. Pitman Center
Room 101

709 Deakin Avenue
Moscow, ID 83844

Mailing Address:
Student Financial Aid Office
875 Perimeter Dr
MS 4291
Moscow, ID 83844-4291

Phone: 208-885-6312

Fax: 208-885-5592