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1570 - Secretary of the Faculty


  • Position: Vice Provost for Faculty
  • Email:

Last updated: July 01, 2019


A.  Appointment
B.  Responsibilities and Duties
C.  Nomination Process for Secretary of the Faculty


A-1. 大学教员秘书由校长从大学的终身教员或退休教员中任命 1520 II-1 and III-2). 校长从提名委员会推荐并经教务委员会批准的候选人名单中任命秘书(见下文C)。.

A-2. 秘书职位将相当于至少四分之一的时间,可能会更多, at the discretion of the president, depending on the circumstances, the needs of the Faculty Senate, and the needs of the faculty member appointed.

A-3. The term of service is three years and is renewable.

A-4. 秘书听命于校长,向教务委员会主席和教务长报告. The provost, 在与教务长以及教务委员会主席和副主席协商后, conducts an annual review of the faculty secretary. Early in the third year of service, 教务长和教务委员会主席会进行深入的评估. Included are evaluations by the senate as a whole, by other appropriate administrators and faculty, and by the incumbent. 在任职第三年的10月的第一个星期,向总统提交一份机密评估报告,供其审查并与现任总统讨论.

B. RESPONSIBILITIES AND DUTIES. The Secretary of the Faculty shall:

B-1. 作为与大学教职员工就行政和董事会行动进行沟通的渠道,并与行政部门和教职员工参议院合作,取得积极成果,确保教职员工通过学院治理系统参与大学政策和程序的制定.

B-2. 为教师提供有关大学政策和程序的资源,并就教师的利益和关切与行政部门沟通.

B-3. Facilitate the timely and orderly adoption of policies and procedures by: 1) consulting and collaborating with the administration to identify and address policy issues; 2) keeping administrative officials informed of policy proposals being developed by university committees and others.

B-4. Propose the agenda and supporting documents for each meeting of the university faculty for approval by the president; ensure that the minutes of the meeting are recorded and published; ensure that reports of actions of the university faculty are forwarded to the president, and the Department of Special Collections and Archives in the University Library.

B-5. Serve as an ex-officio nonvoting member of the Faculty Senate and as the secretary, ensure that the agenda and supporting documents, for each meeting are distributed and published. Ensure that the minutes for each meeting are recorded and published. 与教务委员会主席和副主席密切合作,并就政策问题和教务委员会事务的开展向其提供建议, provide services related to shared governance on request from the Faculty Senate, other faculty bodies, faculty, staff, students, and administration.

B-6. Serve as a resource for the Committee on Committees. 监督邀请教师加入全校常务委员会的过程,并维护委员会成员名单.

B-7. Serve as an ex officio nonvoting member of the Faculty Affairs Committee. 就学院管理和影响教师的人事问题提供咨询和建议.

B-8. Serve as chair of the University Multi-campus Communications Committee, 1640.94.

B-9. 监督并确保教务委员会和教务委员会网站的准确性. Oversee the placement of material on those websites.

B-10. 执行其他由校长或校长指定人或大学教师分配的与学院管理有关的职责.


C-1. The chair of the Faculty Senate appoints a three-member nominating committee, with the approval of the Faculty Senate. 该委员会由教务副教务长和另外两名参议院成员组成, one of whom shall be the Faculty Senate Chair, or his/her designee, who shall serve as the committee chair.

C-2. The nomination committee should seek out and give preference to nominees who have the following qualifications; (1) attained the rank of full professor or are faculty emeriti, (2) communication skills, (3) have had extensive experience in university service, (4)对365滚球官网的作用和使命以及共同治理的出色理解和承诺. The committee should seek nominations from, but are not limited to, faculty senate and from university-level committee members.

C-3. 委员会推荐一份候选人名单供教务委员会批准. 参议院可召开常务会议,讨论提名委员会推荐的候选人. 参议院不得在提名委员会推荐的候选人中增加人选,但可以选择删除提名委员会提名的任何候选人.

C-4. 教务委员会将经教务委员会批准的提名者的名字送交校长. 校长从该名单中选择教职员秘书,或要求按照C-1至C-3所述的程序选出一组新的提名者.

Version History

Amended July 2019. 政策协调员的职位从学院秘书的职责中移除,该职位的时间从一半减少到至少四分之一, or greater.

Amended July 2018. B部分已更新,以反映教务秘书目前的角色和职责, including oversight of policy.

Amended July 2017. Update to reflect current roles and responsibilities of the Faculty Secretary, 包括对政策过程的监督以及这一职位在取得积极成果方面发挥的作用.

Amended January 2010. 增加了担任大学多校区交流委员会主席的职责.

Amended July 2009. 准备个人简历的职责从学院秘书办公室移走,由学院负责.

Amended July 2003. Second substantial revision to reflect current practice and responsibilities.

Amended July 2002. Editorial changes.

Amended November 1991. 教员秘书被重新定义为一个半时职位(允许设立一个半时监察员职位),该办公室的职责也发生了重大变化.

Adopted 1979.

Campus Locations

Physical Address:
Bruce M. Pitman Center
875 Perimeter Drive MS 4264
Moscow, ID 83844-4264

Phone: 208-885-6111

Fax: 208-885-9119
