


艺术学院 & 体系结构
莫斯科,ID 83844-2461


电子邮件: hfinkasganders@ibelstaffjackets.com


从构思到施工, students in our 设计程序 work with real clients on real-world projects — like the Hat Ranch Winery in Caldwell and the Moose Creek Warming Hut just north of Sandpoint. 这种动态中的学生, hands-on program learn what it takes to bring their designs to life, and they gather professional portfolio pieces that showcase designs they actually built. They work with non-profits and local businesses to positively impact Idaho’s communities.

Your donation will support a facility for students to build portions of projects on site and store materials and tools.


The Hat Ranch Winery logo, with their vineyard in the background.

设计程序 Connects 体系结构 Students with Real Clients

Upon walking into the tasting room of Hat Ranch Winery in Caldwell, 游客们会发现一堵由解构的酒桶制成的墙.

U of I architecture major Catherine Flerchinger designed and constructed the wall as part of a larger project by the 艺术与建筑学院’s (CAA) design-build studio: a tasting room and outdoor pavilion for the winery.

“The insides of the wine barrel sections retain the deep purple color of the wine, and the pieces lay over each other like fish scales to form a textured wall that covers the plumbing panels,这位来自刘易斯顿的22岁大四学生说. “It’s been fun seeing Instagram pictures of visitors in front of it. 墙上的一些部分甚至可以伸出来作为衣帽架.”

Design-build is a six-credit upper-division and graduate-level studio course in CAA’s architecture program that gives students an opportunity to construct a real project over the course of a semester. Students and their instructor work with clients in the community to create the design, 制定施工图纸, 订购材料并制造最终产品.

“在建筑设计工作室, 学生的项目通常以图纸和模型收尾,兰德尔·蒂尔说, 副教授兼建筑项目负责人. “The design-build studio is a nice complement to this model because it allows the studio design process to progress through the challenges of budgets, 建筑及建筑细节. It is a fantastic way to extend a student’s architectural knowledge.”

“The project helped me understand how design can change the way people live and work.”凯瑟琳·弗莱辛格,建筑专业的


U of I started working with Hat Ranch Winery after reaching out to the Idaho Wine Commission for project ideas. 在2018年春季和夏季, 学生们重新设计了酒庄的旧品酒室, 将室内空间扩大了一倍,并将其与室外连接起来. Students enrolled in the fall 2018 design-build class are finishing the exterior pavilion and developing future projects.

Flerchinger said her time on the project helped her pinpoint the amount of detail she needs to incorporate in designs. 除了, 通过离开教室, she interacted with everyone from winery owners to inspectors to tourists to neighbors.

“The project helped me understand how design can change the way people live and work,弗莱钦格说. “它可以给人们带来安慰.”


在品酒室之前, design-build students built a warming hut in 2016 on the Lightning Creek drainage on Moose Creek Road near Sandpoint. 24名学生设计了驼鹿溪取暖小屋, which includes a wood-burning stove and an area for snowmobilers to socialize while taking shelter from the cold. 小屋也为朋友们提供了一个聚会的场所, 暴风雪期间公众的安全场所, and a base camp for search and rescue parties in the remote North Idaho wilderness.

The project was a collaboration with the Sandpoint Ranger District, 国家森林基金会, 爱达荷森林集团, Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation and Winter Riders Snowmobile Club.

“The Moose Creek hut is a nice example of what our program aspires to be, both in terms of public benefit and showing off the wild and beautiful character of Idaho,蒂尔说。. “We love it when we can do projects that highlight this aspect of the state and demonstrate architecture’s ability to enhance it.”



One of the challenges of design-build is finding the right clients with the right-sized projects. 时间是有限的, 因为项目必须在一个学期内完成, 或者一个学期和之后的暑假. 客户还必须有办法为项目提供资金. 但, 因为U (I)的位置, students have opportunities to work on projects in both urban and rural settings, 与各种社区合作伙伴.

“我想做的很大一部分是帮助社区, 不管是帕卢斯还是爱达荷州,斯科特·劳伦斯说, an assistant professor of architecture and the primary faculty member directing design-build initiatives. “We have these students who are willing and able to work on these projects, and we want to work with individuals and groups who are trying to make an impact in their community.”



因为设计-建造发生在现实世界中, students are accountable to both their professors and their clients.

“They learn a lot about interacting with clients,” Lawrence said. “Not only do the clients shape the project with the students, 但他们会在施工过程中过来, 互动并询问有关过程的问题, 材料和下一步.”

Lawrence said design-build gives students an opportunity to experience all aspects of a building project, acquiring skills and portfolio pieces that will make them stand out among their peers as they enter the job market.

“It gives them a unique experience as they’ve seen a project all the way through,” he said. “They can go into their first job and quickly have an impact as part of the team.”


泰丝·福克斯的文章,大学通讯 & 市场营销.




艺术学院 & 体系结构
莫斯科,ID 83844-2461


电子邮件: hfinkasganders@ibelstaffjackets.com