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Idaho Student Union Building, Vandal Success Center, 3rd Floor

Mailing Address:

875 Perimeter Drive MS 2534
Moscow, ID 83844-2534

秋天 & Spring Semester Hours:
(M-F from 8 a.m.-5 p.m.)

秋天 & Spring Semester Drop-in Hours:
(M-F from 11 a.m-1 p.m.)
In-Person Drop-ins - Stop by the Vandal Success Center desk to get started (ISUB 3rd Floor)

Summer Hours:
(M-F from 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.)
No drop-in hours are offered at this time - we encourage appointments

For students: to schedule an appointment please visit VandalStar.  
For alumni: please call or 电子邮件 the office to schedule an appointment.

Phone: 208-885-6121

Fax: 208-885-2816


Meet the Team Map

Preparing Your Application

Admission requirements can vary by department within a school. Be sure you know what you need to put together for each individual application packet.

Schools will typically have an online application form to identify and track applications through the submission process. 这通常包括人口统计信息,有时还包括资历的简要概述.

Most schools will also have an application fee, and the processing of your application will not begin until the fee has been paid. Typical application fees range from $50 to $100 and vary by school.

You may be asked to suggest a supervisor/顾问 for your program of study. 研究一下你所申请项目的教员,找出他们的研究和教学兴趣, and to see which faculty members may be the right fit for you and your goals.

Material Details

正式的学术成绩单和任何考试成绩都是大多数入学项目所要求的. Official transcripts need to be requested from the Registrar’s Office.

向考试公司索取考试成绩,或者在考卷上注明你想要寄成绩的学校. 一些研究生/专业学校也会提供机会为薄弱的材料辩护.g., 较低的平均绩点) in a brief statement.

在申请过程的这个阶段,非常相似的文件有许多不同的名称,可能因学校而异. Although these documents are all very similar in nature, there are subtle key differences you will want to highlight with each one.

Most letters or statements are 1-2 pages in length, but always check the requirements of the schools to which you are applying. 如果他们没有提供很多信息,而你想知道如何为他们做出最好的申请, do not hesitate to contact the program with specific questions.

Personal Statement/Application Essay

  • 通常会有额外的说明,说明学校/项目更喜欢什么. 因为个人陈述的定义可能很宽泛,所以一定要按照说明来做!
  • If no other instructions are given to you, and you are asked for a personal statement, here are some guidelines to follow:
    1. Describe your interests in the field and how you came to have those interests.
    2. Tell them your goals (both short- and long-term) in the field. 
    3. Explain to them how this specific program can help you achieve those goals.
    4. 通过过去的例子和前瞻性思维向他们展示你的激情、奉献精神和雄心壮志.

其他潜在的话题包括个人特征,适用于在研究生/专业学校取得成功, 你从经历中获得的技能和能力使你在入学候选人中脱颖而出, explanations of any inconsistencies in your history or materials (e.g., 较低的平均绩点, gap in school) discussed in a positive way, and how you will contribute to the program where you are applying.

Statement of Intent/Statement of Purpose/Letter of Intent

  • 这些在内容上与个人陈述非常相似,只是关注点略有不同.
  • Although most of the content is the same (see above), 你将更详细地关注你想在研究生/专业学校学习的内容. This can be accomplished through discussing specific areas of interest within a field, 你对这些主题的研究问题和想法,并指出有类似研究兴趣的教员.
  • 你的陈述将回答这个问题,“我参加这个项目的意图(或目的)是什么??”

Letter of Qualification

  • This is going to be very similar to a personal statement in content, 但是要把注意力更多地转移到你作为项目候选人的资格上.
  • You will focus on your outstanding skills, 能力, and experiences that show you are the best-qualified individual for the program, while still including the pertinent content from above.

Autobiographical Statement

  • 在这里,你更多地关注导致你申请这个特定项目和学习领域的经历.
  • It will contain similar content to the above documents, 但要把重点转移到与你所在领域的进一步学习相关的历史上,以及它如何使你成为该项目的合格候选人.

Teaching Statement

教学陈述的目的是告诉你申请的学校你过去的教学经历, your teaching philosophy and ideas about teaching you will bring to the department. 教学陈述更常见于研究生院申请中,你也将申请助教奖学金. Common topics to address in a teaching statement are:

  • Past experiences teaching, and how they shaped you as an instructor
  • How you facilitate learning in the classroom, including past and future ideas
  • How you interact with students and deal with challenges in the classroom.
  • 你希望你的学生从你的课程中获得什么,以及你将如何去实现它.


For more tips on writing a teaching statement please see this article by the Chronicle of Higher Education.

研究 Statement

Your research statement will highlight your research interests, how those interests came to exist, 你过去做过什么研究,将来想做什么研究. Common questions to answer and tips for creating a good research statement are:

  • What past experiences started your interest in this research?
  • What research questions have you investigated in the past?
  • Why were these research questions important within your field?
  • What were the challenges and obstacles you faced when answering these questions?
  • How has your research been applied in your field?
  • Where do you want to go with that research now?
  • What are your future research plans and/or questions that you want to answer?


  • 一定要根据你申请的每一所不同的学校量身定制你的研究陈述. Each school will have different facilities available and a variety of faculty interests. 这将告诉你哪些研究课题将与该特定项目相匹配.
  • It is important to show passion and sincere interest for the research you have done, and the research you are interested in completing in the future. 研究报告应该包括这种兴奋,仍然是一个专业的研究报告.
  • 问问现在(或过去)的教授,你是否可以回顾一下他们的研究报告,并让他们看看你的研究报告. It is always good to get the opinion of someone in your field.

Your letters of recommendation are a very important piece of your application material. These letters are written by professors, 与你有过密切接触并能证明你的知识的顾问和主管, skills and 能力 in your field.

  • Throughout your undergraduate, graduate and even professional career, 与你一起工作和互动的人保持积极的联系是非常重要的. These are the individuals you will ask to write your letters of recommendation, 所以让他们了解你,知道你能为研究生或专业项目做出什么贡献是很重要的.
  • 你要请的写推荐信的人都是大忙人. 在让他们为你写信的时候,提前给他们足够的通知(至少1-2个月)是很重要的. 
  • Provide your letter writers with a copy of your 重新开始 或简历及, 在理想的情况下, meet with them to discuss graduate/professional school, your interests in applying and the schools where you will be applying.
  • 一定要向你的写信人提供每个学校可能对推荐信有任何额外的材料或要求.

Most graduate and professional schools will ask for a writing sample. 这通常是你过去做过的一项工作,希望与你的领域相关.

  • Choose the best piece of writing you have from your past experiences. 希望这个样本是最近的,但不一定是,只要它与你的领域相关.
  • Even if it has been reviewed before, have a professor, 顾问, 同行和/或其他审稿人对您选择的样本进行彻底的审查和批评. It is also a good idea to have someone, who has not previously read the sample, review it for a fresh perspective.
  • 如果你没有任何你引以为傲的写作作品,想用它作为你的写作样本, you can write a new piece (time permitting) that is relevant to your field, have it reviewed, and submit it as your writing sample.
  • 一个很好的资源可以帮助你在校园里审查你的写作样本,那就是伊利诺伊大学 Writing Center.
  • Some schools will ask for a writing sample with a professor’s marks on it, so be aware of exactly what is required by each school.

Entrance Test Preparation



College of Graduate Studies

Combining nationally competitive academic and research opportunities.



Idaho Student Union Building, Vandal Success Center, 3rd Floor

Mailing Address:

875 Perimeter Drive MS 2534
Moscow, ID 83844-2534

秋天 & Spring Semester Hours:
(M-F from 8 a.m.-5 p.m.)

秋天 & Spring Semester Drop-in Hours:
(M-F from 11 a.m-1 p.m.)
In-Person Drop-ins - Stop by the Vandal Success Center desk to get started (ISUB 3rd Floor)

Summer Hours:
(M-F from 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.)
No drop-in hours are offered at this time - we encourage appointments

For students: to schedule an appointment please visit VandalStar.  
For alumni: please call or 电子邮件 the office to schedule an appointment.

Phone: 208-885-6121

Fax: 208-885-2816


Meet the Team Map