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See "Investigator Responsibilities" on our Policies page.

Submit a Biosafety Form through VERAS

If you have questions about how to fill out the Biosafety Form, please contact either the IBC Coordinator or the Biosafety Officer (BSO) for assistance.

虽然许多商业上可用的载体是免税的,但你必须提交一份 Biosafety Form for determination of covered or exempt status by the IBC. All covered work must be approved by the IBC.

Three years, unless indicated otherwise.

更新协议是首席研究员的责任. This is done by submitting a protocol on VERAS. 研究保证厅制定了一项制度,今后每次都设法在三年期满之前向调查人员发出提醒,以协助他们管理这一遵守条款.

生物毒素是动物能产生的有毒物质, plants, insects, fungi, and microorganisms. 生物毒素不被认为具有传染性,因为它们不会复制, yet they may be extremely toxic in small quantities.

生物毒素的处理通常采用2级生物安全措施和设施. 在处理生物毒素之前,必须实施安全的实验室操作和控制. 实验室使用前必须执行标准操作程序(SOP). Toxins must be inactivated prior to disposal.

有些生物毒素被认为是选择毒素下的 疾病控制和预防中心(CDC)选择代理程序. Please contact the Biosafety Office 如果您计划使用CDC精选药剂和毒素进行研究,因为在使用这些材料时可能会有额外的要求.


View a 7-minute video developed by NIH-HHS with more information about what is meant by “dual use.”

See the current list of Select Agents and Toxins.


需要联邦监管的工作必须在疾控中心注册. It may take 6 months or longer to obtain this approval. Contact the Biosafety Officer for assistance with this process.

Some work with 精选药剂和毒素不受联邦监管.

There are 允许的毒素量也不受联邦监管.


  1. Login to the VERAS system ( with your network ID and password.
  2. Verify My Workspaces is set to “Study Assistant”
  3. Select “View My Studies” under Featured Study Operations, or scroll down to All Studies,
  4. If you have submissions for other committees, 您可能需要选择向下箭头以仅查看IBC协议.

    A menu with a filter dropdown with one item titled "IBC".

  1. Login to
  2. Select View My Studies under Featured Study Operations, or scroll down to All Studies, and on the protocol row you want to amend, select  Forms button
  3. A pop-up window will appear, under IBC Renewal, Amendment & Closure Forms, select New submission icon (Start a new Submission) for IBC - Personnel Change Only
  4. Follow the appropriate instructions below:
    1. If you are adding a Co-PI, select the Add button button next to row A.) Additional Investigators.
    2. If you are adding research personnel, select the Add button, highlighted green below, in the next row B.) Research Staff.
    3. If you are removing internal personnel, select the Select button, highlighted orange below.


请注意,如果增加人员处理出口管制物品(EAR and ITAR Category XIV) or select agents, 您必须提交“IBC -仅限人事变动”表格并获得IBC批准, before submitting an amendment to include them in section CDC Select Agents & 毒素或出口管制物品(EAR和ITAR第XIV类).

The student/personnel will need to login to VERAS,如果他们还没有一个帐户,他们将被提示创建一个帐户. 一旦账户被创建,你就可以在系统中看到他们.

Please note:

  • 如果人员不隶属于大学,他们应该不需要创建帐户.
  • Personnel working on or with 出口管制物品(EAR和ITAR第XIV类)或指定代理人 MUST be listed on the protocol.

Yes, PI以外的人员可以填写他们所连接的协议的表格, 他们必须在研究中被列为研究人员,才能访问VERAS. However, 在提交给委员会之前,PI需要完成最后的签字和提交.


如果IBC管理员已经开始处理提交, 您需要打电话或发电子邮件给IBC,要求他们发布提交的内容,以便您可以进行更改. 如果IBC尚未开始处理提交,请遵循以下步骤:

  1. Login to
  2. Select View My Studies under Featured Study Operations, or scroll down to All Studies.
  3. Select the  图标,在“点击打开”列中,为要编辑的协议
  4. On the right side of the screen find Outstanding Submission(s) 并在“提交过程”一栏中选择“撤回提交”.


  1. Login to
  2. Select View My Studies under Featured Study Operations, or scroll down to All Studies, and on the protocol row you want to amend, select Forms icon
    1. A pop-up window will appear, under IBC Renewal, Amendment & Closure Forms, select start new submission icon (Start a new Submission) for IBC - Amendment Form
    2. Complete the form to the best of your ability


  • Under the “Revised Application” section of the IBC - Amendment Form, you will select Click here to attach the application, then select Add Revision 创建当前已批准协议的新版本. 您将更新您的新协议版本,以包括您在修改中要求的项目.
  • Under “Submission” section of the IBC - Amendment Form附加或修改任何额外的文件(许可证,SOP…)
  • 请注意,如果增加人员处理出口管制物品(EAR and ITAR Category XIV) or select agents, you must submit a IBC - Personnel Change Only form and receive IBC approval, before submitting the IBC - Amendment Form to include them in the “CDC Select Agents & 毒素或出口管制物项(EAR和ITAR第XIV类)”节.

Office of Research Assurances

Physical Address:

Morrill Hall Room 414
Moscow, ID  83844

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Dr., MS 3010
Moscow, ID  83844-3010

Phone: 208-885-2258


Web: ORA Website
